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  Public Ticket #3098304
How change recipe card image for Pins on Pinterest


  • La-Ness started the conversation

    Hello again,

    I am using the Penci Recipe Cards for all my recipes (style 2) incl. the Pinterest button. At the moment, when I pin a recipe it takes the featured image in landscape format and pins it on my Pinterest wall.

    However, I would need the pin to use a portrait format recipe photo to be pinned. I know that in other blogs it is possible, but I do not know how to do this here within the Soledad theme.

    Could you kindly advise?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    The Pinterest share button will get the image size & URL of the featured image, so if you want to change to portrait format, you need to change the featured image size by going to Appearance → Customize → Single Posts → General → Custom Image Size for Featured Image.
