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  Public Ticket #3100086
Logo and main menu not loading


  • kamranhere started the conversation

    Hi I just started having this issue that my logo isn't loading at all and my menu is only showing half the items. Kindly see what is wrong and help me fix it. I use cloudflare cdn with free plan. Thank you. 

  • kamranhere replied

    It might be the w3 cache plug in issue as I have had some issues since the penci support installed me this plug in to improve the website speed. It did improved the speed but sometimes these issue happen. Can you set it up correctly. Thank you

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your site, and the logo & menu are displayed properly, here is the screenshot:


    Please check again or send me a screenshot.


  • kamranhere replied

    This is a cached version or something. Please open an incognito tab and try again. Also the main menu has more items which aren't showing. News, reviews, guides, how to, deals, contact us. I don't know why only half the items in menu are showing and I don't even have multiple menu in site, I only have 1. 

  • kamranhere replied

    This is the actual and only menu available on my site but only showing in the cached version. Only half of the menu items are showing if you visit from incognito or new tab and without a logo.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your site again, the problem because the logo URL is not available, please check it again:


  •   kamranhere replied privately
  • kamranhere replied

    Hi, I've fixed the logo by manually deleting the old file and updating it. Now I just have the menu problem that its not showing full list of items. I have 6 items in the menu which are News, How To's, Guides, Reviews, Deals and Contact Us but its only showing 4. Kindly fix that.

  • kamranhere replied

    I believe it's the cache issue. Please check out all the settings in the w3 total cache and set it up correctly as I don't know how to do so and your support team installed it for better performance. It's working fine, but I believe it's messing up some settings. Kindly reset the w3 total cache settings to the ones you recommend or fresh re-install it. Thank you

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your site again, the problem is that the PublishPress Permissions has limited some page permission, it doesn't allow access for visitors so it also doesn't include in the main navigation.

    I've disabled this plugin, now all the menu items display properly.

    Please check.


  • kamranhere replied

    Thank you so much. I do need the CSS code or something to limit the authors role on my website so that they can only see their own posts as currently, they can't edit but can see all the articles on the website. This was the main reason I installed publishpress plugin, can you fix that for me without the plugin?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    There is no solution for your request without using any plugin.You can use the Content Control plugin here:


  • kamranhere replied

    Got it. Thank you anyways, you guys are awesome and the support is very well timed as well. Will make sure to buy soledad for other websites as well.