The site where we are using your theme is multi-lingual (English and Spanish). We use Polylang for most of our language switching outside of any utility that is inherently in the theme and, for the most part, that seems to work well. With three exceptions, 1) in the Post Meta block (the date switches to Spanish when in that version of the site, but "written by", "comment", and "views", do not), 2) in the Search fields attached to the main menu bar, and 3) in the Archive - Title block which propagates on our Category pages and Search Results pages where the category title or search terms remain Spanish, as well as the rest of the content on the page, but not header prefix. Is there a means to swap these when in Spanish?
1. You can translate all the text by going to Appearance → Customize → Quick Text Translation OR you can follow the document here to search & translate all text:,
2 & 3. Please send me a screenshot of these requests.
So, it appears that the solution you pointed out for the first issue will actually solve the other two as well, but I need to implement it to see.
Which does lead to one clarifying question... using the pencilang short code (presuming English and Spanish as the languages, the format is [pencilangen_US='hello' es_ES='hola' language_code='Your language text' /], what goes in the language_code section?
Ah! Okay... no matter how many times I read the section in your documentation that wasn't clear to me... because you already showed the other two language options in your example it seemed like another option altogether... but, I see it now.
The site where we are using your theme is multi-lingual (English and Spanish). We use Polylang for most of our language switching outside of any utility that is inherently in the theme and, for the most part, that seems to work well. With three exceptions, 1) in the Post Meta block (the date switches to Spanish when in that version of the site, but "written by", "comment", and "views", do not), 2) in the Search fields attached to the main menu bar, and 3) in the Archive - Title block which propagates on our Category pages and Search Results pages where the category title or search terms remain Spanish, as well as the rest of the content on the page, but not header prefix. Is there a means to swap these when in Spanish?
1. You can translate all the text by going to Appearance → Customize → Quick Text Translation OR you can follow the document here to search & translate all text:,
2 & 3. Please send me a screenshot of these requests.
So, it appears that the solution you pointed out for the first issue will actually solve the other two as well, but I need to implement it to see.
Which does lead to one clarifying question... using the pencilang short code (presuming English and Spanish as the languages, the format is [pencilang en_US='hello' es_ES='hola' language_code='Your language text' /], what goes in the language_code section?
language_code is a short name of the language you want to translate, for example:
[pencilang en_US='hello' es_ES='hola' it_IT='ciao' /]
Ah! Okay... no matter how many times I read the section in your documentation that wasn't clear to me... because you already showed the other two language options in your example it seemed like another option altogether... but, I see it now.