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  Public Ticket #3115911
install issue


  • freeman1974 started the conversation

    Hi. Just bought today. Installed fine. As i install the 'Fitness blog' demo content it stops half way through the install. As its installing the imagery it says 25 images left, but the circle keeps spinning and doesn't go any further. tried twice.

    I then refresh teh page and it shows me that its partially loaded but then i can see theres an issue with the menus - see attached.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    1. When you saw this message, this means the demo was installed successfully, this progress was regenerate all images to pre-define the image size of the Soledad theme, you can ignore this progress.

    2. Please go to Appearance → Menus: select the menus assign the Main Menu then modify the menu items here.


  • freeman1974 replied

    Thanks but neither answer makes sense!

    The demo install wasnt completed. It was in progress and got stuck when it said there was still 25 images to be installed, and that was just that portion of the install. There was probably more items other than images left to be installed but it couldnt get to those at it couldnt pass image 25. It says on my image i attached that its successfully installed everything up to this point, but theres not final install success message as the install doesnt complete. i had to refresh the page to get anywhere.

    Also - i know i can remove/adjust the items in the menu nav, but the point is the item has crashed. if as im building my site i end up adding in around the same amount of menu items, surely my new menu will also crash like this. Whats the fix??

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply. I'll log in and help you check it.


  •   freeman1974 replied privately
  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    1. I've checked your site, and all the features work like our demo site. Please take a screenshot and then take note of the area that doesn't work as you want.

    2. The menu page of WordPress will be crashed if the menu has a lot of menu items (it is based on the memory of your hosting). I've created a new demo menu for your site.


  •   freeman1974 replied privately