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  Public Ticket #3116707
Search Bar


  • discussingfilm started the conversation

    The text when typing in search queries blends in with the background with the style I have and I can't seem to change it back to be visible. Also, the search box appears to appear differently on mobile like this. It works fine on desktop though.

  • discussingfilm replied

    This is the difference I was talking about. I'm not sure why this only appears on mobile?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem is that your site still loads content from the cache, please clear all the site cache, browser cache then checks again.


  • discussingfilm replied

    How do I fix the text color issue?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → General → Search Settings: change the search color here.


  • discussingfilm replied

    I'm not getting an option to change the color for search text, it just gives me the options for Ajax live search and 1) I have that turned off and 2) all of those colors are presenting the issue I have. 

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    #top-search {
        --pcborder-cl: rgba(255,255,255,.5);
    #top-search .penci-search-form form input {
        color: #fff;


  • chimptrips replied

    Seeing exactly the same thing,   No way of changing the Search bar text color,  the custom CSS above makes no difference even after purging cache.   Turned on Ajax Search as a test but like above no option to change text color.   I'm seeing same issue on mobile and desktop browser.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @chimptrips,

    Please create a new ticket with your site URL. I'll check and then help you fix it.
