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  Public Ticket #3120202
Migrating from TieLabs Jannah to Soledad


  • sempre-audio started the conversation

    Hi there...

    It is now time to switch my sites from TieLab's Jannah to Soledad, as Jannah is indeed no longer seriously developed and, above all, not even seriously supported, even for users who have paid for it.

    I have already tried to switch one of my sites (, but unfortunately found some serious problems, so I had to switch back for the time being.

    So before I finally tackle the matter, a few important questions:

    I make very intensive use of theme-specific functions that I don't want to lose completely.

    For example, the Subtitle field in Jannah, the texts were unfortunately gone after the switch to Soledad. But these texts are essential for me, so can I somehow take them over in a simple way?

    Also there ist this field "Story Highlights" which I use as a short summery on the beginning of every article.

    Then there are two fields that are also relevant, named Source and Via in Jannah's case. I use these as links to the manufacturer and press agency, so they would also be quite good if this information is not lost.

    I could live with the fact that the review entries of the special plug-in from Jannah are gone, but of course an automated solution would be nice here too.

    So now the stupid question: Since many users probably feel the same way I do, have you ever thought about an importer, as some themes offer for others?

    I think you would quickly have a lot of new customers who have had enough of TieLabs' stupid practices.

    Thank you - Michael Holzinger

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    For this case, please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply. I'll log in and help you migrate all Jananah data.
