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  Public Ticket #3120775
activating the license issue


  • abd_mah started the conversation

    i was making a dummy website and i used your theme (soledad) and the server for that dummy website has been crashed and now its not accessible that dummy website has only ip but no domain and i linked for the license with the ip of that server and now since its not accessible i cannot deactivate from that server. i moved my website to another server but now the activation is not working since the license linked with the old ip. how can we resolve this issue? can you deactivate the license from your side please?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    I've revoked this license, please register it on the new domain.

    In the future, please go to dashboard → Soledad → Theme License: click the Revoke License button if you want to transfer this code to another domain.


  • abd_mah replied

    thanks a lot i was able to activate it now.