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  Public Ticket #3123667
Spam Email


  •  2
    Arturo started the conversation


    I need your advice. Hope you can help me. 

    I want to ask you if there is any WordPress plugin that you recommend me to stop the spam email that I am receiving more frequently now. Spam emails arrive at the account that I have registered in the WordPress dashboard.

    Or, if there is any other way to hide the email account that I have registered in WordPress.

    I thought about the "Hide My WP Plugin - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress", but I wanted to check with you and ask for your help to know if this plugin would be useful to solve this situation.

    I thank you in advance for your help and attention.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    You can install & activate the Akismet plugin here:


  •  2
    Arturo replied

    Thank you for your fast response!

    As always, you're the best!
