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  Public Ticket #3125721
Help w/ Mobile Site - Featured Slider, Titles, Clickability


  • madelynharris93 started the conversation

    Hi there, I have a few questions that all have to do with how my website is performing on mobile. Desktop is totally fine. 

    1) Is there a way to change the Featured slider for desktop vs. mobile? I.e. there would be two different options? (One for desktop, one for mobile). 

    2) Right now, when the site loads on mobile, none of the article titles appear. Only the images appear. How can I make it so that the article titles appear too? 

    3) When you start scrolling on mobile, it will automatically select a page to load instantly. It's almost impossible to just scroll on mobile without a new page loading. Why is this, and can you please help me so this isn't the case? 

    Please let me know if I should provide login credentials. 

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    1. You can create a featured slider style for each device with the Elementor Page Builder, please read the document detail here:,

    2+3. Some CSS/JS files not load properly on your site, please turn off all the CSS/JS optimization options then check again.
