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  Public Ticket #3125911


  • lindakkonde started the conversation

    I've edited my homepage using Elementor but when I visit the website the original template shows up first for like a second or two before updating to the new one. I've also tried accessing my website incognito and on mobile and it keeps doing that. It looks very unprofessional and I would really like it fixed asap.

    Also, when I search for the website it says Soledad Home and then my website name. I need to change that so only my website name comes up. How do I do that?


  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → Optimize CSS: turn on the "Create Critical CSS " option,

    2. Go to dashboard → Pages: search the page name "Soledad_Home" then change this title to another one.
