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  Public Ticket #3144007


  • David Causer started the conversation


    I am trying to change the general theme colors. Right now, I have this earth green color for buttons and hover over colors. I tried changing a bunch of places in the GENERAL > COLORS part but I can not find which setting for this.

    I attached a photo to show which part I am trying to change.

    Basicaly I want to change this main theme color, main text color... and I should be good figuraing out the rest.

    ALso I changed the GENERAL > TEXT Color to Blue, just to see if it would work. It looks like it worked on some the generic pre-loaded content, but the post I wrote are still grey text. Is there away to change general post text color?

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    By default, this color was get the value at the Customize > General > Colors > Accent Colors.

    You can change the color of the menu items by going to Appearance > Customize > Logo & Header > Colors:

    Menu Text Hover & Active Color.


  • David Causer replied

    Ok I am figure it these out.

    Where can I find where to change to back gorund color to this big titles? They are in side bar?

    Also I want to change the color for the social buttons on hover..

    I will give an example. 

    I WAS able to change the hover social buttons on the about me page to a new color :)  try ing to do this.

    Thanks sorry there are so many options, and just trying to change these big colors :)

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    1. About the sidebar color, please go to Appearance > Customize > Sidebar > Colors,

    2. If you want to change the social hover color, please navigate to Customize > Posts Layouts > Colors: change the color at the "Share Box Icons Color" & "Share Box Icons Hover Color".
