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  Public Ticket #3148070
Transfer licence from staging site to live site


  • tara70 started the conversation


    I've redesigned my entire website using a staging site offline while working on it. The temporary staging site was I bought a licence for your theme Soledad that I've used to create it with. 

    Now, I want to go live with my own domain But a licence activation window popped up. See attached screen shot.

    Where do I go to register it on the new domain? In Wordpress? In my Envato account? I read tickets when you mentioned to "go to dashboard → Soledad → Theme License: click the Revoke License button" but I  cannot find it this button.

    Can you please help ? 

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    I've revoked this license, please register it on the new domain.

    In the future, please go to dashboard → Soledad → Theme License: click the Revoke License button if you want to transfer this code to another domain.


  • tara70 replied


    Thank you for your feedback, but its not working. 

    Dashboard section do not propose the Soledad theme. Please check attached.

    Please tell me where I can find the Revoke License button 

    Indeed, I still have the same licence activation window popped up. See attached screen shot.

    Thank you 

    Best regards,

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    I've activated your site again,

    Please check.


  • tara70 replied

    Thank you very very much it's working now. 

    I really appreciate your help !

