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  Public Ticket #3152346
Penci review


  •  1
    senses started the conversation

    I am using Soledad on a site where multiple authors posts reviews, and since many of the authors seems to forget to put [penci_review] I have solved it using a child theme and putting the following in functions.php:


    function add_my_content($content) {

    $post_id = get_the_id();

    $review = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'penci_review_1_num', true );

    if ( wp_is_mobile() ) {

    $my_custom_text = '<br>[penci_review]';

    } else {

    $my_custom_text = '[penci_review]';


    if(is_single() && !is_home() && !empty($review)) {

    $content .= do_shortcode($my_custom_text);


    return $content;


    We have been using this solution for a couple of years and everything have worked just fine, but now we have noticed that the review microdata for is missing. This have always been there before using this method. But the "review box" is shown just as it should.

    Any clue what have changed in the theme that makes our solution not working any more? Since we have 1000+ posts it would be a mess to go thru all posts and add [penci_review] manually.

  •  2,742
    PenciDesign replied


    Please download the Penci Review plugin then overwrite it to your site.


  •  1
    senses replied

    Works great, but line 890 in schema-markup.php should be changed or all images would be messed up.