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  Public Ticket #3166758
favicon not working


  • getfootball started the conversation


    The favicon for our site is not showing even though we have added it via the theme customisation page.

    Could you advise please. We have used your theme 4 times previously and never had an issue.

    Thank you

  •  2,740
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem is that your site is loading under HTTPS, but the favicon is under HTTP protocol, so the browser can't display the favicon image.

    For this case, please install the Really Simple SSL plugin here:


  • getfootball replied


    I'm baffled because we have not needed to do this on our sites on which we have the Soledad theme. I'm not too keen to install a new plugin.

    Are there any other options

  • getfootball replied

    Actually, this can be closed now. We have done a search and replace on http:// -> https:// which has resolved the issue.

    Thankyou for the prompt