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  Public Ticket #3171786
Custom post category


  • Sérgio Sant\'Ana started the conversation

    Good Morning,
    How to customize the style of the posts of each category? For example, for category 1 articles, keep the layout one way, category 2, the posts will have another layout.

  •  2,740
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to dashboard > Posts > Categories: select the category you want to change the layout then change the layout at the "Select Layout For This Category" option.



  • Sérgio Sant\'Ana replied

    Did not work. I changed several, cleared the cache and lightcache and it didn't work. It simply doesn't change.

  •   Sérgio Sant\'Ana replied privately
  •  2,740
    PenciDesign replied


    The screenshot you've sent is a post layout, not a category layout.

    You can change it by going to Appearance > Customize > Single Posts > General > Single Posts Template.


  • Sérgio Sant\'Ana replied

    Good Morning. I think I didn't express myself correctly. Come on. I want each post in a category to look different.
    In posts from category "Utilidade Pública" have one appearance, in posts from category "Notícias" have another appearance. Is this possible?

  •  2,740
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, there are no options to config the single post layout for each category, because one post can have a multi-category, so this option will conflict with another.


  • Sérgio Sant\'Ana replied

    In the case of my site each post has only 1 category. I separate neatly like this. Okay, if it's not possible then that's fine.