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  Public Ticket #3175080
Soledad working with PHP 8.1?


  •  1
    eva_hakansson started the conversation

    Hi Soledad folks,

    You probably have received multiple questions about PHP 8.1 lately.

    I love the Soledad theme, but it appears to not be compatible with PHP 8.1 that my webhost ( just upgraded to.

    I get the error message below and the website is all white:

    "TypeError thrown

    implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array, string given"

    I could only access the site in recovery mode. 

    I have now downgraded my website to PHP 7.4 and it works for now, but it will revert back to 8.1 in three days and 7.4 will not be an option anymore. 

    Question: Is the latest Soledad compatible with PHP 8.1?
    If not, can I possibly make it compatible, or do I have to abandon this lovely theme?

    Many thanks, 


  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Soledad works with the latest version of PHP, but the WordPress core and all related plugins are still not compatible with PHP 8.1, so you should downgrade your site to version 8.0 to make your site work correctly.

    You can double-check this issue with another theme.


  • Stefan replied

    I have the exactly the same issue. My webhost doesn't force the update on me, but if I go to 8.0 or 8.1, it breaks our site with exactly the same error message. I have troubleshooted the site with PHP 8.1 and it works fine with the 2023 theme, but it breaks if I use our Soledad child or the parent theme.

    As far as I can see, this should be an open ticket until the issue is resolved and Soledad works with the currently recommended PHP version 8.1.



  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Stefan,

    Please create a new ticket with your WordPress admin account, I'll help you check this case.


  • Stefan replied

    I'm trying to do this, but I never had to do this before and don't know where I find the details in order to start a ticket.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @stefan,

    Please send your request to [email protected]


  • usersf90 replied

    I'm guessing support is no longer available. I am having the exact same issue with a penci theme on Wordpress. When I change my PHP to 8.0 or 8.1 I get the critical error message. The error goes away if I change to a default Wordpress theme unless I have the Penci Framework plugin active. If I deactivate the Penci plugin the website doesn't have the error. I have tried deactivating all my other plugins and the problem seems to be with the Penci theme and Penci Framework plugin. I tried emailing [email protected] and my email was returned with address not found. Is there a solution to this? 

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @usersf90,

    Soledad theme works properly with PHP 8.1, but some plugins you've installed maybe not work correctly. You can switch to the default WordPress theme and then check again.

    You can read the document here for more information:


  • Klaudia replied


    Now my website works with PHP 7.2.34 and Soledad theme 8.3.1.

    Can you tell me if Soledad theme 8.3.2 is compatible with PHP 7.2.34?



  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Klaudia,

    The latest version of Soledad works with PHP 7.2. You can update without any risk.
