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  Public Ticket #3182096
topbar using primary menu..


  • Rony Canales started the conversation

    I created a custom topbar menu, but it still uses the primary one. It is properly set to use the “Topbar Menu” under the menu settings. I am using the vertical layout.

  •  2,740
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me your site URL.


  • Rony Canales replied

    unfortunately our site is an intranet site that is only accessible within our network. I can send screenshots or take video snippets if needed. Or i can change anything you need me to?

  •  2,740
    PenciDesign replied


    The area on your screenshot is a primary menu, this is not a topbar area.

    Please go to Appearance > Customize > Top Bar > General Settings: turn on the "Enable Top Bar" option then check again.


  • Rony Canales replied

    The topbar works. It’s enabled. What I am saying is that it’s not using the correct menu. I wanted to use a different menu. It is choosing the primary instead of the one I picked.  See screenshots in the original post. 

  •  2,740
    PenciDesign replied


    There is no live website so I can't debug this issue, when you can publish your site to the internet?


  • Rony Canales replied

    Here is a screenshot of the Customized menus.. everything is enabled. It shows up, but it using the wrong menu. I specified the top bar menu to be different than the primary menu. The site is published, but it is not public. It is behind our firewall and network. Maybe we can setup a zoom/teams meeting so you can see what i am experiencing?

  • Rony Canales replied

    Disregard this ticket and close it. Sorry for the trouble. I figured it out. The individual page had its own setting that can also override the topbar menu settings.. 

    thank you