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  Public Ticket #3188237
theme full screen


  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga started the conversation


    I was wondering how I make the theme full wild/screen. You can see it now on the link. I want it to take over the whole screen and not lea spaces.

    2. I also was wondering I the shopping cart can be changed to a log-in sign/option.

    3. Is there a way to make all categories and article pages identical? A setting option so I do have not to redo it every time on a single page.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    1. You can change the page width by going to the dashboard > PenNews > Site Width,

    2. Unfortunately, the current version of PenNews doesn't include the option that helps you change the log-in sign/option.

    3. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Archive, Category, Blog, Tag, Search Pages Options: customize all the archive pages in this section.


  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga replied

    Thank you for the reply. 

    I have 2 more questions.

    - how do I add similar article options after articles?

    - also how do I rename the log/ing in option on the top? I want to put in french instead

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance > Customize > Single Post Options: uncheck the "Hide Related Posts Box" option.

    2. Navigate to Customize > Quick Text Translation: search and replace all the theme text on this section.


  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga replied


    One more question please. How do I remove the article title from showing on top of the picture? Like in the image I attached.

    Thank you!

  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga replied

    Also how to add the what's app sharing option and link sharing?

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance > Customize > Single Post Option: select another single template at the "Single template" option,

    2. Navigate to Customize > General Options > Social Share Box: uncheck the "Hide Button Whatsapp" option.


  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga replied

    Good day again. 

    I wanted to know if the time that article was published can be added to the article. 

    I also was wondering if the theme log in form can be added in to menthe u? Every time I add it is hidden from menu and only shows when logged in. 

    Thank you for the support! 

  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga replied

    Because the log in/ registration option that come with the theme on the top is bidding on mobile and tablet. 

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance > Customize > Topbar Options > turn on the "Show Sign In / Join".


  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga replied

    I have it on already but on the mobile devices and tablet is not showing. So, I was wondering if it I create the menu item and add the log in form would it be able to do so? I tried to create but it's not showing when logged out ?

    2. Is there a way to add time on the articles? Next to date and comments. 

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    @media screen and (max-width:480px) {
        .topbar_weather, .topbar_date, .topbar__logout_login {
            display: inline-block !important;
        } }


  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga replied

    that solved the issue. 

    • How about the the time on article/ blog post. Is there option to add time?
    • I also noticed that the sticky option for post is not working. I stick an article but is not appearing on the top. Any solution on that ? 

    Thank you again !  

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Go to dashboard > Settings > General: add the time format into the Date Format option field. Example:

    F j, Y - g:i a

    2. Please send me a screenshot of this issue.


  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga replied


    the time worked. Thank you. See the screenshot about the sticky post. 

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    This sticky post option is only sticky this post on the top of the archive page (category, tag, ...) pages.


  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga replied

    Hi again and happy new year!

    I have set the logo bar color as white and it shows white. However, in the mobile it shows black. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong here. 

    Thank you.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance > Customize > Colors for Header > Header Mobile > Header Background Color: change the background color to white then check again.


  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga replied

    Thank you a lot. Issue fixed.

  • Glodi Lundaya Badibanga replied


    Can you tell me how can I add more posts to appear on the image?


    Happy new year!

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    You can change the number of posts you want to display by adjusting the Post count option like the screenshot below:

