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  Public Ticket #3197595
Video does not load


  • Sergi started the conversation

    Hello. good

    I am writing because when inserting an external video of the Self Hosted Video type from an external link inserted in Vafpress Post Formats UI, the video does not appear and only the url of the video is displayed. Capture step to see how it is configured and the video link to verify that the video works.


  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    You should put the video link inside the HTML tag like the following code:

     <video width="800" height="600" controls>
      <source src="" type="video/mp4">
      Your browser does not support the video tag.


  • Sergi replied

    I see that you have sent me a code in an html tag, but there is no way in Vafpress that by putting only the URL of the video it already puts it by itself as an html video tag. Also comment that I have been investigating and it seems to me that the Vafpress plugin is outdated and without support for more than 7 years and the plugin website does not exist anymore, only the repository and since the website does not exist there is no way to access it documentation. I'm commenting this in case you develop an alternative that works and has 100% support and improvements.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Vafpress support adding the HTML code, just add this and check on the front end,

    2. The plugin included in the Soledad package is a stable version. It is compatible with the current version of WordPress and Soledad.


  • Sergi replied

    Investigating further as you tell me, I have tried the plug-in and I have done tests and it turns out that the plug-in is outdated and does not adapt well with the new functions and versions of WordPress such as the videos, since it would have to plug-in automatically adapt to videos by putting only the URL and it doesn't take it, since putting an HTML 5 video is very shabby with the design and functions it has and if you try to put a short code to put one more type of player pretty and designed from another plug-in doesn't accept it any more than ifrem that isn't from YouTube or Vimeo. And when you put an audio, only the URL does take it as audio, but it doesn't adapt well with the added image of the post. I would need you to give me a solution or alternative that works and if you couldn't then we would see if a refund could be made and I would look at another topic. I am commenting on this because I am creating a news website and that is why I would need it to work perfectly and everything to adapt correctly, since I came to your theme because the theme I had before had many errors and the web loaded very slowly.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Almost the popular WordPress theme on ThemeForest use the VafPress plugin to display the post format content,

    2. This plugin only creates the friendly form on the back end, all the data you've entered was executed by WordPress core, so it is always compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
