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  Public Ticket #3209373
unable to Active Soledad


  • chitransh_3107 started the conversation

    This license key has been registered for the domain: Please buy a new license.

    Facing this error while updating theme

    Please assist me in updating the theme.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I've revoked this license, please register it on the new domain.

    In the future, please go to dashboard → Soledad → Theme License: click the Revoke License button if you want to transfer this code to another domain.


  • chitransh_3107 replied

    I'm having trouble finding the revoke license button; could you help?

  • chitransh_3107 replied

    Currently, the theme is not active. its showing this, Can you please help me to fix this Problem 

    (The system can't detect your purchase. Please activate Soledad to use the full features of the theme. We're sorry about this, but we built the activation system to prevent piracy of our themes on the internet, so we can better serve our paying customers.

    You can click here to activate the theme. If you have issues with this, please contact us via our support forum or our contact form. This notice will be removed after you activate the theme.

    You can check the documentation for this theme here to know how to config this theme also.) 

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I've activated your site,

    Please check.


  • chitransh_3107 replied

    I activated the theme. However, the theme's font is changed automatically after installation, so how do I change the theme's font?

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance > Customize > General > Typography: you can change the font for your site in this section.
