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  Public Ticket #3211006
After change of a post, whole website is offline


  • moritzsteuernagel started the conversation


    after I have made a change to some text (ads and TOC) in a post, I noticed my whole website is not accessible anymore for viewers! The WP admin area is still accessable. 

    So I tried to make the latest update to soledad 8.3.0 thinking this could help. But the automatic token process does not work. Creation of the token on Envato worked, but after inserting the token name and pressing "submit" in the plugin, the following error appears:

    "The OAuth Personal Token could not be verified. Please check that the Token has been entered correctly and has the minimum required permissions."

    "Additional Error Details:
    Failed to query total number of items in API response.

    The token definitely has the 3 mentioned permissions. Maybe this is connected to the malfunctioning of the website.

    Any ideas?



  • moritzsteuernagel replied

    I found out if I deactivate my last post, everything is fine again. Inside this post I added a freshly created block which contained only two shortcodes for "Easy TOC" and "Advanced Ads". I exported this post to disk, then manually deleted the line conaining the block info and re-imported it again. It works. This is disturbing to see that a simple block inside a post can lock my website... 

    Can you give me hints about how to correctly ad shortcodes for AdvancedAds in your theme? Or is this a general Gutenberg problem?



  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Soledad already included the table of content features, you can enable it by going to Appearance > Customize > Table of contents,

    2. Maybe one of the shortcodes you've inserted conflicts with the WordPress core, so your post can't show correctly. Please send me the shortcode content you've added, I'll debug it on my local dev site,

    3. About the update issue, please read the document detail here:

    How to Update A Premium WordPress Theme to Latest Version?


  •   moritzsteuernagel replied privately
  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    For this case, please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply.
    I'll log in and try to help you check this problem.


  •   moritzsteuernagel replied privately
  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your site, maybe the Advanced Ads plugin doesn't compatible with your server, and I can't also access the Advanced Ads dashboard.

    Please try to use the Ad Inserter plugin instead of Advanced Ads then check again.


  • moritzsteuernagel replied


    I copied the html code from a working post and pasted it into the post where I had problems. This works fine, although I still don't understand it... Here is the code that worked:

    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>[ez-toc]<br>[the_ad id="4652"]</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

    Thank you and you can close this ticket.



  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    That's strange. Please wait for me to double-check it on my testing site.
