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  Public Ticket #3223099
Auto clickable mega menu on mobile


  • krisporelmundo started the conversation

    Hello on mobile i cant deploy sub-categories due when i click it its impossible to click the icon > to open and see subcategories so i can only click on "first level categories". I want to "open" subcategories.

    The problem is when i click the icon to deploy subcategories the webpage reload to the main category.

    If i have this categories




    When i click on Europe icon to deploy their subcategories, automatically it redirect to Europe.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you want to click on parent menu item to open the child menu items, please check the option for it via Customize > Logo & Header > Vertical Mobile Navigation > Enable click on Parent Menu Item to open Child Menu Items

    Best Regards,


  • krisporelmundo replied


    The problem continue.

    When you click the arrow or you click the name, now the menu is opened BUT the webpage reload to the clicked parent and you cant click the children. 

    Please check it:

    With that option, when you click the parent name or the parent arrow the submenu opens but the page reload to the clicked parent name/arrow.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to dashboard > Plugins: delete the Penci Shortcode & Performance plugin then re-install it by going to Appearance > Install Plugins.

    Clear all the caches then check again.
