When opening a lightbox (clicking image on a gallery on single post page) image enlarged correctly, but prev/next arrows are way bellow the image not on its sides.
Also "x" button that should close the lightbox is weirdly small.
Is there a way to translate tooltips visible when hovering over those buttons? Also the picture count phrase (visible under the picture next to its right bottom corner), eg. "1 of 20"
When opening a lightbox (clicking image on a gallery on single post page) image enlarged correctly, but prev/next arrows are way bellow the image not on its sides.
Also "x" button that should close the lightbox is weirdly small.
Ps. is there a way to translate lightbox labels?
Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:
Thank you, button issue is fixed now :)
Is there a way to translate tooltips visible when hovering over those buttons? Also the picture count phrase (visible under the picture next to its right bottom corner), eg. "1 of 20"
These texts render by JS code, so we'll add the translate option in the future theme update.
Thank you for the info.
Best regards!