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  Public Ticket #3228375
Logo display


  • Brandi started the conversation

    When i am on my laptop my company logo displays at the top of my website but when i am on my cell phone browser it is displaying the name of the theme Soledad

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Please Re-update the theme by doing follow the steps below:

    1. Edit the code like in the image below: 2. In Appearance > Themes > click the update now button to re-update the theme.



  • Brandi replied

    Hi! Thank you! unfortunately I cannot see that. I have tried to zoom in from my phone, desktop, and laptop

  •  2
    denielleanne replied

    I'm experiencing the same issue. Tried to edit the theme file per your instructions, but the mobile version of my site still has Soledad on it and not my site logo.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    If you can't re-update your theme by following my tutorial, please send me a WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply or via email: [email protected]

    I'll be logged in and help you fix it.


  • Brandi replied

    just sent

  •   Brandi replied privately
  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Brandi,

    I can't be logged in because of the wrong account,

    Please check again.
