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  Public Ticket #3230394
Featured Image


  • nansen179 started the conversation

    Hi support team -

    I'm looking to use Single Posts Template "Style 6" for my very fist post, but it seems not workable for featured image appearance - the featured image I selected cannot show up on the top successfully when I view the post in the backend. Categories, post title and meta description can work.

    My very first post link

    I tried other templated styles, e.g. 1, 2, and more, but the featured image issue remains.

    Can you please help look into it and let me know what's wrong with my setting?


  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Have you installed any image optimization plugin? Please try to disable it then check again.


  • nansen179 replied

    Hi team -

    Thanks for the reply. I just reviewed my installed plugins, and removed the most liked one "Featured Image from URL (FIFU)" as you said. After that, the selected feature image can show up successfully.

    The issue is resolved, and this ticket can get closed now. Thanks.
