I am trying to add some custom HTML at the end of our Category archive page. I tried adding the HTML by pasting it in Edit Category > Add Google Adsense/Custom HTML Code below this category. When I use this box, nothing happens.
If I add the same code from Customize > General > Categories and add it for all categories on the blog, it works. But I need different HTML code under each category.
1. The option you inserted in the HTML code is not displayed under the category content, it displays on the homepage featured categories area. (Please check this demo for an example and this image to understand what Featured Categories.)
2. If you want to show the custom AdSense for the category page, please go to dashboard > Soledad > Ads Manager > Archive Pages.
I am trying to add some custom HTML at the end of our Category archive page. I tried adding the HTML by pasting it in Edit Category > Add Google Adsense/Custom HTML Code below this category. When I use this box, nothing happens.
If I add the same code from Customize > General > Categories and add it for all categories on the blog, it works. But I need different HTML code under each category.
Am I doing something wrong?
For this case, please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply.
I'll log in and try to help you check this problem.
1. The option you inserted in the HTML code is not displayed under the category content, it displays on the homepage featured categories area. (Please check this demo for an example and this image to understand what Featured Categories.)
2. If you want to show the custom AdSense for the category page, please go to dashboard > Soledad > Ads Manager > Archive Pages.
The current version of Soledad doesn't support this feature but we'll add this in the next theme update.