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  Public Ticket #3242298
WooCommerce and +/- quanity buttons


  •  4
    scottpaul70 started the conversation

    I am having an issue with WooCommerce Bundled plugin and the +/- quantity buttons that the Soledad theme is using. It creates issues with adding bundled products to the cart. A couple of questions, have you seen any issues with the +/- quantity buttons before, and if possible, is it possible to revert back to the WooCommerce default quantity selector?

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    For this case, please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply.
    I'll log in and try to help you check this problem.


  •   scottpaul70 replied privately
  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Single Product: turn on the "Disable Single Product Ajax Add to Cart" option, clear all the site cache then check again.


  •  4
    scottpaul70 replied

    Okay, that fixed the issue for the one bundled product we have, but it is not an acceptable solution as we want the ajax pop-up to work and now it does not work for the entire site. Any other solution? Is it possible to turn off the ajax for just the one bundled product we have and have it work for the rest of the products on the site?

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    We'll add the option for the bundle product in the future theme update because this modification needs to edit a lot of theme files.


  •  4
    scottpaul70 replied
