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  Public Ticket #3245057
Offset Option Messes Up Pagination on Site


  • rtblogger started the conversation

    Hello, whenever I tried to implement the offset option for the 'More News' section on my site, it messes up the pagination. 

    Every page starts to show the same stories. I'm attaching screenshots.

    How do I fix this? Thank you.

    Attached files:  Offset Issue 1.png
      Offset Issue Page 1.png
      Offset Issue Page 2.png
      Offset Issue Page 3.png

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    In general, when you use the offset and standard pagination of WordPress, the WP_Query will not work properly. To fix this issue, you should select the AJAX Pagination on the Elementor element settings.


  • rtblogger replied

    I appreciate your help but even the AJAX Pagination option didn't work. A screenshot is attached. All it did was remove the page numbers and nothing happens when you get to the last post.

    Plus, we prefer to use page numbers. Is there a way to get the offset to work with page numbers? Thank you.

    Attached files:  Ajax Pagination.png

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I'll check this case on my local development site and then update your site when it has already been fixed.


  • rtblogger replied

    Okay. Thank you.

  • rtblogger replied

    Hello, do you have any update on this please? Or a time estimate? Thanks. 

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    We'll update your site in the next 2-3 working days.

    Please keep waiting.


  • rtblogger replied

    Hello, wanted to get an update on the fix the for the offset/pagination issue please. Thanks. 

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Sorry for the late reply, I'm still working on this case.

    I'll update your site as soon as I can.


  • rtblogger replied

    Hello, wanted to get an update on this. It's very important we get this resolved for the proper function of our site. 

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I'll send you an update file on today.


  • Fred replied

    We are having this same issue? How do we resolve it?

  • rtblogger replied

    @Fred, it's been 3 weeks since we opened this ticket and asked for help. Disappointingly, we never received a fix for this issue. 

  • Fred replied

    Seems to work perfectly on this site - 

    Top Stories are part of the blog roll and the number pagination loads exactly how its supposed to.

  • rtblogger replied

    I had to hire someone from Upwork to fix it since the theme support failed to issue a fix. Good luck.

  • Fred replied

    Any update on this ticket? 

    @rtblogger - its a top selling theme, might have to review support as B grade, We read the reviews before making the purchase of this theme. 

    Theme devs need to hire Upwork developer

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    We're currently working on this update and release it as soon as we can.
