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  Public Ticket #3301468
website issues


  • ankitabhattacharjee006 started the conversation

    There are 2 problems which I am facing right now.

    1. When I click on my blog homepage there is an error content not found" which pops up". Please help me get this sorted.

    2. When I load my website on mobile, instead of the header that we see on a computer, it shows the default soledad header. Also please help me in this thing as well.



  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance > Customize > Promo Popup > Popup Display > Load Popup Content Using Penci Block: reset this option field to "-Select-",

    2. About the header issue, please re-update Soledad to the latest version by following the document here:

    How to Update A Premium WordPress Theme to Latest Version?
