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  Public Ticket #3329724
Theme settings lost completely


  • Romeo_Drljic started the conversation

    Can you help me with Soledad theme since this mornign I have tried to open my site and there were no support fol local letters š, đ, etc...

    After that I have tried to change wp-confg.php file getting actual result with theme - lost settings.

    I reverse utf8 in wp-config.php file but there were no change.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    For this case, please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply.
    I'll log in and try to help you check this problem.


  • Romeo_Drljic replied

    Fortunatelly, I had a backup from this morning. 

    Now there is one problem remaining, letters đ,č a the problem in slider in headlines of fetures postletters are Ok when i open an article.

  • Romeo_Drljic replied

    Screen shot.

    Attached files:  ol.png

  • Romeo_Drljic replied

    Its only problem in Featured Slider before opening it. Im using style 37 for slider...

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem is that some CSS can't work properly because you've minified it. Please try to disable all the CSS optimization options, clear all the site caches and then check again.


  • Romeo_Drljic replied

    Have tried everything... Cleared cashes, CSS optimization turned off. Still the sam situation.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your site but haven't seen this post, please make sure you've published it and then update this ticket.


  • Romeo_Drljic replied

    What post you havent seen?! im describing you what is going on on my post since your last theme update few days ago... It is going on with special characters in Title of every post in Slider of featured posts and in the first paragraph of featured categories excerpts on the home page before opening it? When you click on them ad open it , everything is Okay...Ther is no optimization activated at all, CSS or any else... If I want to avoide that in fetured posts in Featured categories I have to put excerpt manually but I have no sollution for HeadTitles in Slider on the home page.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I can't view the post on the screenshot you've sent:



  • Romeo_Drljic replied

    Once again, its post with red incorrect letter circled. And it is not a post. It is all featured posts titles in the slider on the home page, and all excerpt (If it is not input manually) in the Featured news in fetured categories on the homepage. Obviously it is some mistake in the new released version of Soledad Theme code.

    Letters like, Ž, Ć, Č, Š, Đ etc... Languades Serbian/Bosnia/Croatian.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me the WordPress admin account,

    I need to check site config.


  •   Romeo_Drljic replied privately
  • Romeo_Drljic replied

    Are there any results? 

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your site many times but have not found any issue like the screenshot you've sent, here is a screen recorder video:


  • Romeo_Drljic replied

    For the last time!!!! BS! I have tried to explain yout 5 times here waht is going on on the site, and you are giving me that BS with screenshot constantly!

    It is all featured posts titles in the slider on the home page, and all excerpt (If it is not input manually) in the Featured news in fetured categories on the homepage. Obviously it is some mistake in the new released version of Soledad Theme code.

    Letters like, Ž, Ć, Č, Š, Đ etc... Languages Serbian/Bosnia/Croatian.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I need more time to research this case and will reply to this ticket when I'm found the solution.

    Please keep waiting.
