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  Public Ticket #3337325
Penci Ajax Products Tabs


  • andimicro started the conversation

    Hi Penci,

    I use a general shop theme demo and there is an element of the Penci Ajax Products Tabs. Inside there is a tab and data source option.

    My question, where did the data source option come from? How to create a new source data?

    Attached files:  penci ajax products tabs.png

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    All the data sources get from the WooCommerce queries, you can't add a new source.


  • andimicro replied

    What should I do if I want to add a product to 'Bestseller' or 'Featured Products'?

    I see in Data Source there is 'Product with New Label', can I add other labels besides New?

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    1. If you want to add a product to 'Bestseller' or 'Featured Products', you only need to select this option on the query settings, WooCommerce will list all the products that meet this requirement.

    2. No. This option only shows the product you've recently added to your site. There is no option to show another label.
