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  Public Ticket #3340785
ajax pagination


  •  3
    George started the conversation

    Hello, when i am using Penci Big Grid, and select the ajax next/previous pagination, it shows up only at the header. How can i set the pagination below posts just like " Load more Posts" & " Page Navigation Numbers" ?

    Thank you

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    The current version of Soledad only shows the next/previous in the heading area. We'll consider add more option in the future theme update.


  •  3
    George replied

    But the Penci Widget Recent / Popular Posts, has next/previous buttons as pagination. Therefore when using Penci Big Grid and choose Page Number Pagination, then it creates 2nd, 3d e.t.c pages, something that loads furthermore my site, and the rest of the content at that spesific page moves forward accordingly. Is there any other way such as a plugin that intergrates with penci big grid?

    Thank you

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    The Penci Big Grid element doesn't support AJAX for the page pagination, we'll consider adding this in the future theme update.
