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  Public Ticket #3343846
Show hide comment form


  •  4
    pierreto007 started the conversation


    I'm looking but I can't find the option to view or hide the comments form.

    To make the comments hidden but with a button to allow visitors who want to read or write a comment to do so.

    Does this option exist?

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to dashboard > Settings > Discussion: check the "Automatically close comments on posts older than" and modify the value on this option.


  •  4
    pierreto007 replied

    But that is not what I am talking about.

    According to the other posts seen, the option does not exist, in fact I had the option on another template, jnews I think and I thought Soledad had it too but no.

    Anyway, if you understand what I'm talking about, it would be a good option to have, especially when you put Taboola on your site, so the comments don't take up too much space.

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I understand your question. We will add this as an option in the next theme update.
