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  Public Ticket #3345860
Themes issues


  • 2k19musicmaster started the conversation

    We are having the following issues in in our Soledad theme. Can you please help us on same:

    1. Images appear blurry : Even if we upload high quality images, all the images becomes blurry or poor quality in the blogs.

    2. Slider is not getting aligned until the first interaction. Click on this link The moment you interact on the page with the cursor, it gets aligned.

    3. Critical CSS load after the first interaction function is still on even when switched off.

    4. Blog view count is not getting updated on every customer visit. We cannot keep clearing cache at every time. Every page visit/ refresh the blog count has to get updated automatically. 

  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    - Your site installed the image optimization plugin and uses the webp format, so all the uploaded images have been compressed and decreased the quality,

    - About the slider and critical CSS issue, you need to clear all the Critical CSS caches, site caches, update Penci Shortcode & Performance plugin to the latest version and check again,

    - Please go to Appearance > Customize > Single Posts > General: make sure you've enable the Enable Ajax Post Count.


  • 2k19musicmaster replied


    We can understand for Issue no 1.

    However we have done the solution given by you for second and third issue, but we are not able to get the issue sorted. Can you please get this sorted. 



  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    For this case, please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply.
    I'll log in and try to help you check this problem.


  •   2k19musicmaster replied privately
  •  2,736
    PenciDesign replied


    I've config your site.

    Please clear all the caches and check again.
