Please do - Elementor has added a query ID component to their widgets so with a little custom snippet I can get it to work in theirs. I Can get it to work there just not in your widgets or sliders. Can you expose the Elementor Query ID in your elementor posts widgets?
Trying to get the slider to display both 'post' and 'release" content types on the front page.
Right now in elementor display widget I can only select post or press release but I would like both to be put of the slider.
Please advise.
The current version of Soledad & Elementor doesn't support query multiple post types.
We'll consider adding this option in the next theme update.
Please do - Elementor has added a query ID component to their widgets so with a little custom snippet I can get it to work in theirs. I Can get it to work there just not in your widgets or sliders. Can you expose the Elementor Query ID in your elementor posts widgets?
perfect for sites using custom post types or even the Toolset system you reference.
Yes. We'll add this in the next theme update.
ideally you could add the elementor Query ID element to your widgets and your slider so you could support this now native elementor feature.
Attached files: elementor query ID.png
Thank You!!
Thank you for your resource. We'll research before implementing it into the Soledad theme.
Have a good day.