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  Public Ticket #3353684
Facebook pixel


  • pinelopi started the conversation


    Where to put the facebook ad pixel on my site?

    1. Find the header of your website or locate the header template in your CMS or web platform.
    2. Paste the base code at the bottom of the header section, just above the closing head tag.71745832_3625544944129659_6264400021022572544_n.png?stp=dst-webp&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7a0af4&_nc_ohc=WuzAqCrODLEAX_mV4pp&_nc_ht=scontent.fath5-1.fna&oh=00_AfDvvfyDxA1fkSNNxAaAkvKMXU84DKcMvZLdmSSpnYV3Jw&oe=64471463

  •  2,735
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance > Customize > Logo & Header > General > Add Custom Code Inside <head> tag: paste the FB code in this option field.

    Best Regards.

  • pinelopi replied


  • shwetankshekhar011 replied

    I was using this license on my previous domain "" but I don't need soledad theme on that anymore but I want to link this purchase code to my other domain. kindly help me revoke this as I can't login to wordpress on that domain now.

  • shwetankshekhar011 replied

    I was using this license on my previous domain "" but I don't need soledad theme on that anymore but I want to link this purchase code to my other domain. kindly help me revoke this as I can't login to wordpress on that domain now.

  •  2,735
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @shwetankshekhar011,

    Please send me the purchase code to [email protected]

    I'll check and help you via email.

    Best Regards.