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  Public Ticket #3378202
Google PageSpeedInsights warnings


  • tvzeist started the conversation

    Hi, I bought your WP-template Soledad. The problem with my old template was a big amount of errors and problems, so that Google don't like that template and I never show up in Google News. 

    I was reading your info about Soledad and I saw the good results in Google PageSpeedInsights, so I bought it!

    But, when i just install the demo, it gives lots of warnings. And another version with all the demo-posts removed and a few posts of my own, gives also a bad score.

    What is the problem? because I will not starting to build up and at the end,... google has again problems with it. 

    You can watch my 2 versions at:  (a few post and some custimation) (just your demo content)

    check it at:

    my email afress to respond: [email protected]

    Attached files:  my version.jpg

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems you didn't check the documentation for Soledad theme first to know how to get it works.

    We've said about this here:

    Best Regards,


  • tvzeist replied

    Hi, i am almost finished with customising. I have 1 more thing to solve,...

    The Facebook Link Preview is only published with my link name and the general logo of my website and not with the featured image of the post. (see attachment)

    Were can I set the right parameters for this problem?

    Attached files:  facebook link share.jpg

  •  2,735
    PenciDesign replied


    About this problem, please read the document detail at this link:


  • tvzeist replied

    Thanks for your support. Page is ready now, but in Google PageSpeedinsight, I see a no-green score. And I use your demo and changed the txt and pictures. It's not bad, but on DESKTOP it is good, but on MOBILE it's low.

    For example a high DOM. And I don't know how to solve that!

    It is lazy loading...  see attachment



    Attached files:  gebruikerservaring2.png

  •  2,735
    PenciDesign replied


    For this case, please send me your WordPress admin account.
    I'll log in and try to help you config.


  • tvzeist replied

    If you want to do that, verry good!

    So,...the big problem that must be solved is the big DOM elements for actual posts and my future posts.

    And yesterday I've got a message from Google, that they do not index my site because of adjustments in AMP javascript... 

    But I never made adjustments. Perhaps enable or disable some functions in a way to get my score higher.

    I send you the screenshots from google, and the DOM elements that must be solved.

    Below, i translated the google message into english:

    Search Console found 1 issues of type AMP on your site. The following issues were found on your site. We recommend that you resolve these issues if possible to ensure the best possible functionality and coverage in Google Search.

    Top Critical Issues*
    Custom JavaScript code is not allowed.

    *Due to critical issues, Google is not showing your page or feature in search results.

    You may acces my controlpanel and make some adjustments. 
    user: Benidorm&@2023
    Pass: *NCGuP7Gdj3*cqQ0

  • tvzeist replied

    here are the attachments..

    Attached files:  002.jpg

  •  2,735
    PenciDesign replied


    I've config your site, here is a the latest result:

