I have one last question before the final launch of the website:
Where to insert the Google Analytics code?
Where to place the code of Google Adsense ads displayed between pages? It's about vignette ads.
I use Spectra when writing articles. However, I imported the template from the Soledad theme ready-made proposals. So can I uninstall Elementor and WPBakery Page Builder? They seem unnecessary to me, but won't something break?
Is it possible to somehow remove the white margin between the blue menu and the slides? It's about this page: https://test.kierunekwlochy.pl/
I have one more question. In PageSpeed Insights, the Soledad theme scored 40/100. My old theme was 90/100.
I think the problem is the pictures in the slides and other pictures on the home page. They are taken from the title photos of posts (JPG 1920 px x 1280 px).
No new thumbnails in smaller sizes were generated.
In the old theme, each photo was automatically cropped to a smaller size and changed from JPG to WEBP.
I have one last question before the final launch of the website:
Thanks for your help!
1. Please go to dashboard → Soledad → Ads Manager → Header → Add Custom Code Inside <head> tag: insert the GA code in this option field,
2. The current version of Soledad only supports adding the ads to the Post only, you can add this via menu Ads Manager → Single Posts,
3. You can remove the Elementor/WPBakery Page Builder if you don't want to use it on your site,
4. Go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:
Thanks for the answers.
I have one more question. In PageSpeed Insights, the Soledad theme scored 40/100. My old theme was 90/100.
I think the problem is the pictures in the slides and other pictures on the home page. They are taken from the title photos of posts (JPG 1920 px x 1280 px).
No new thumbnails in smaller sizes were generated.
In the old theme, each photo was automatically cropped to a smaller size and changed from JPG to WEBP.
How can it be improved?
Please follow the page speed optimization by following this link: https://soledad.pencidesign.net/soledad-document/#speed-optimization
Thank you. You can close this thread. Everything works well.