Until he moves the mouse, the page is practically invisible. It should not be like this. However, when I turn off "Enable Optimize CSS" in google speed test I have only 12/100.
I've already regenerated the thumbnails. Now I am trying to set speed optimization from Soledad. Finally, I will install the W3 Total Cache plugin.
Please help me urgently. I would like to enable the "Enable Optimize CSS" option, but the page must not look like this in the first second.
Good morning,
According to the documentation, I enabled this option:
-> Speed Optimization -> Optimize CSS -> Enable Optimize CSS
See what happened: https://test.kierunekwlochy.pl/
Until he moves the mouse, the page is practically invisible. It should not be like this. However, when I turn off "Enable Optimize CSS" in google speed test I have only 12/100.
I've already regenerated the thumbnails. Now I am trying to set speed optimization from Soledad. Finally, I will install the W3 Total Cache plugin.
Please help me urgently. I would like to enable the "Enable Optimize CSS" option, but the page must not look like this in the first second.
Please go to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → Optimize CSS: make sure you've enabled the "Create Critical CSS" option.
Clear all the site caches and check again.
Thank you. I have enabled this option. It's a bit better - the header and menu load, but nothing else:
I am looking for a compromise solution so that the user can see the page without having to move the mouse.
What do you suggest?
I've configured the pagespeed optimization options for your site.
Please clear all the browser caches and check again.
Thank you very much. Now everything works fine! :)