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  Public Ticket #3492675
Speed optimization


  •  1
    Harsh started the conversation


    I did all the recommended speed optimization on my website and using W3 Total Cache plugin on website. 

    But after the optimization when I tested and loaded my website then I noticed, before any user interaction, the social media icons are missing, bookmark icons are missing, the drop down icon on the menu are missing, mainly heading category and date on the featured slider are missing till any user interaction. Everything is delayed and none of them works until there is any user activity.

    After any user interaction or activity like mouse hover or scroll or click or something, everything pops up, comes back to normal and works fine. 

    Again when I reload or open any new webpage, the same thing happens. Everything is missing and as soon as I move the mouse or scroll everything suddenly comes back into place.

    I want to load everything at first place and do not want this thing to happen because it does not looks good at all specially in mobile devices.

    Now how do I avoid this thing and keep eveything normal and still get good loading time and page speed scores in page speed results.

    How do I fix this issue and keep my website well optimized so my website loads fast and I get good page speed scores?

    I have attached before and after any user activity snapshots of the website and how exactly it looks.

    Please help becuase I do  not want to delay anything and I want everything to load and work at the first place as soon as any user enter my website. 

    Please help!

    Attached files:  Screenshot (17).png
      Screenshot (19).png
      Screenshot (20).png

  •  2,734
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → Optimize CSS: turn on the "Disable Delay Loading Icon Fonts" option.


  •  1
    Harsh replied


    I have enabled the option "Disable Delay Loading Icon Fonts" and in results the icons are loading upfront without any delay. But my main concern is that the headings, category and the date in the featured slider are also delayed, which I don't want.

    I want all the text to load instantly as soon as any user enters the website irrespective of any interaction or activity.

    I do not want any text or heading to delay. The delayed text does not looks good specially in mobile devices so I do not want that to happen. How do I fix that?

    Please help! 



    Attached files:  Screenshot (27).png
      Screenshot (26).png

  •  2,734
    PenciDesign replied


    Please config this slider and then send me the URL.


  •  1
    Harsh replied


    URL -

    What do I need to configure in featured slider?

    The title, category and the date in the featured slider are still delayed until any user interaction or activity, which I don't want.

    I want all the text in the webpage to load instantly as soon as any user enters the website irrespective of any interaction or activity.

    I do not want any text or heading to delay. The delayed text does not looks good specially in mobile devices so I do not want that to happen. How do I fix that?

    I have attached the before and after screenshots of user activity or any interaction. Please have a look.

    Please help me fix this issue as I do not want any text to delay and also that the performance of the website after speed optimization should also be good.

    Attached files:  Screenshot (86).png
      Screenshot (85).png
      Screenshot (84).png
      Screenshot (83).png

  •  2,734
    PenciDesign replied


    Please navigate to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS, and then insert the following custom CSS code:

    .penci-slide-overlay .penci-mag-featured-content {
        opacity: 1;


  •  1
    Harsh replied


    It worked. Thanks a lot!