Checkout Page is not working properly - the columns on desktop should be 2, but it always shows only one. The additional information (notes and secondary email) cannot be hidden...
But how should I customize it when elementor is disabled? I don't understand your comment - should I use woocommerce-checkout-widget ?
When I try to edit the checkout page with elementor, the settings from the element do not work - Instead of two columns, it shows only one, no sticky right column, doesn't hide the additional information. It seems something doesn't work with this elelement...
1. You can customize it by going to Appearance → Customize → WooCommerce,
2. All the cart/check-out and other additional WooCommerce pages on your site are now overwritten by Elementor and another plugin you've installed, so the layout was broken.
But with this one Appearance → Customize → WooCommerce I cannot edit the fields - for example, I want to exclude Order Note, Secondary email and shipped to a different address should NOT be clicked on default ... I cannot decide which field are mandatory and which not in Customize?
Checkout Page is not working properly - the columns on desktop should be 2, but it always shows only one. The additional information (notes and secondary email) cannot be hidden...
The checkout page on your site was managed and overwritten by the Elementor Page Builder plugin, please disable it by following the document at this link:
But how should I customize it when elementor is disabled? I don't understand your comment - should I use woocommerce-checkout-widget ?
When I try to edit the checkout page with elementor, the settings from the element do not work - Instead of two columns, it shows only one, no sticky right column, doesn't hide the additional information. It seems something doesn't work with this elelement...
1. You can customize it by going to Appearance → Customize → WooCommerce,
2. All the cart/check-out and other additional WooCommerce pages on your site are now overwritten by Elementor and another plugin you've installed, so the layout was broken.
But with this one Appearance → Customize → WooCommerce I cannot edit the fields - for example, I want to exclude Order Note, Secondary email and shipped to a different address should NOT be clicked on default ... I cannot decide which field are mandatory and which not in Customize?
If you want to customize the checkout field, please install the Checkout Field Editor plugin at this link:
I found to be more convenient to solve it without additional plugin by using the following code in the functions.php:
add_filter('woocommerce_ship_to_different_address_checked', '__return_false');
Thank you anyway