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  Public Ticket #3523336
Staging Site - all current bugs


  •  11
    LillaGreen started the conversation

    Hi, as you recommended I made a staging site where testing and debugging is more convenient. Right now, I have the following issue with my site:

    1) Syntax Error - the lazy load from Soledad has a Syntax Error "unexpected token". Please check the attachment. How can this issue be solved? This syntax error is everywhere - blog posts, pages, categories, etc. 


    2) "Scroll back to the top" on Penci Elements for Products: Scrolling to the Top Ajax is not working when changing the Pages, although I do not use Elementor Pro Page Builder.  Even with another element from Soledad - "Penci product" - Scrolling to the Top Ajax is again not working. The option "scroll to the top" is of course turned on in Customize. You can use this page /testing

    3) CART Ajax Issues - the cart is not displayed correctly - sometimes it shows products in the cart without having done "add to the cart". Sometimes the cart is empty, although I have added products to the cart. There are some Ajax elements missing for the cart in the theme. So this is what I did:

    first: .function.php changes - the only way we found as a solution so that the cart is shown empty (as it should be when the visitor hasn't added products to the cart) is by adding the code:  add_filter( 'woodmart_update_fragments_fix', '__return_false' ); in my .function.php of the theme.


    second: using a mini cart plugin: without this plugin, the cart is not shown correctly when for example I add 2 products to the cart, I see 5 or 0... the cart is not actualizing. With this plugin is also not working 100& correctly, but at least the number of the added to the cart products is correct

    4) Register Popup showing wrong notifications: The popup shows wrong notes after attempting a registration - "wrong username or password" instead of the notification for "please check your email and activate your account" - how to edit this note on the popup - the note is correctly set on my plugin...


  •   LillaGreen replied privately
  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    I'll check and send you a report as soon as possible.


  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Thank you!

  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Today the staging site will be blocked for changes and will be available for debugging from tomorrow. 

    Thank you :)

  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for letting me know.


  •   LillaGreen replied privately
  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Can you tell me when you will test and work on the staging site so that we know? Thank you

  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    I will work on and update the staging site in the next 2-3 days.


  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Please let me know when you start because we also make changes, you have to tell me when you start. I really need the coupon, the Ajax for cart and finally the Syntax error fixed...

    Please make a documentation what I should change - or if you changes something. We are working on a translator plugin which we will clone to the default page when it is done. 

    Our solution for the missimg Ajax elements is not working with the translate plugin - the cart has always something in it! Please fix this major issues that are reported in the beginning of this ticket 🙏😔

    I don't want that there are untested bugs or changes which I have no idea about on the staging site. Thank you

  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Hi! I still have heard nothing from you! The whole black Friday week without working coupon code is really not fun ... This issue is reported since 3 weeks now :/

  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    I'm updating your staging site today and confirm this ticket when it is completed.


  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Hi, please make a documentation on what you do exactly. so that I can test the staging site and implement to the original if everything is ok. Thank you

  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Hi, can you update me on your work on my staging site from Yesterday? I don't see any changes...

  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Hi there, can you share with me the upades?? I'm waiting very long now..  Thank you

  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Did you do something on any of the reported bugs? I really hope to Hera from you since these Bugs are reporter vor longer than 3 weeks!

  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    I'm currently moving the data from testing site to your site.

    Please keep waiting.


  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    DO NOT MOVE ANY DATA!!!!! I need to check first!!!

    The last time this broke my website!!

     told you MANY times - do not make changes to my original site - We don't want this!!!!!

  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    DO NOT MOVE any data!! I need to test and check everything  first!

    The last time this broke my website!!

    I told you many times - do not make changes to my original site - We don't want this!

    I need every step that you did, then I will test if everything is working!!! I will do it on my own the change to the main website

  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    I'm working on the staging site. Any problem with your main site?



  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    This is right - all the changes should be done on the staging site... then I will test and implement the changes to my main website. I am afraid that everything will break like 2 weeks ago when there were changes made for the Discount bug...

  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    You can check the staging site; the coupon issue still persists with the default WordPress theme, meaning this error is not related to the Soledad theme. However, we still take the time to help you. I'm confident that other themes won't provide any support if the issue doesn't originate from their theme. Fixing issues takes a lot of time and resources; it's not something that can be quickly completed as per your request. Please check all the tickets; we always strive to respond as quickly as possible. In this case, it's advisable to be patient and wait for us to work on it rather than consistently requesting faster resolution.



  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Now you made changes on the staging site without telling me what exactly you changed and didn't return it to the stage when you opened it... I asked you to send me the documentation of the steps you did - how can I follow what happens when you tell me nothing? The site got broken 2 weeks ago because of that.

    If you are NOT able to solve this issue professionally, please give it to someone from the support who can. I know, there are some amazing support members who know what to do. 

    This issue with the Coupon code resulted after the last updates from Wocommerce - before that, it was working fine. Entering the coupon on Checkout Page, is blocking the payment section. You gave me the following CSS code, but it doesn't work 100% correct:

    .woocommerce .blockUI.blockOverlay {
    display: none !important;

    This code makes the Total Cart visible again in the checkout, BUT only if the coupon code and delivery address have already been entered and updated in the cart. When I enter the coupon in the checkout, it is not displayed - only when I manually refresh the page:


    Also, changes in delivery costs when changing the delivery country are only automatically updated (in the checkout) without a coupon. Once a coupon is entered, the delivery costs are only correctly displayed after manually refreshing the page.

    When I delete the coupon in the checkout, the update of the delivery costs works correctly when I change the delivery country again.

    The fact is - once a coupon is added in the checkout, the page update no longer works (neither delivery costs nor deductions for the coupon). When the coupon is removed, it works again.

    The CSS must always work, both in the cart and in the checkout, and must automatically update the Total Cart.

  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Did you work on the other issues that are for sure form the theme? Syntax error, Ajax missing in the cart, etc.?! And Do you have any 100% solution for the coupon code because the css code doesn't solve the issue as I explained in the previous ticket. Thank you

  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Do you have any update on any of the issue reported?!?!

  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    I will update this ticket once all the issues are resolved and provide you with a detailed step-by-step report. We cannot both fix the issues and guide you simultaneously. Everything will be done once all tasks are completed.


  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    Thank you about that! 

    Do you know when you will work on the staging site, so that we don't change and test things at the same time? Please let me know about that. Thank you!

  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    I still have no update ...

  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    Sorry for the late reply. Please re-send me the site FTP information. I'll update your site today.


  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    I've updated the staging site.

    Please check your site and then send me feedback.


  •  11
    LillaGreen replied


    I've now tried on my staging page whether it works to enter a coupon code.

    As soon as you enter a code, the price and payment are no longer clearly visible on the checkout page and are not possible.

    Please look at the problem again - a coupon code is very important for marketing purposes and must work!!

    Thank you very much Tsvete


  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    I've debugged your site many times, and the coupon code is still not working with the default WordPress theme. This means that the problem does not originate from the Soledad theme. You should check all WooCommerce addon plugins, turn off all coupon modification options, clear the cache, and re-check.


  •  11
    LillaGreen replied

    OK, I did that, I deactivated the Booster and Elementor Pro plugins - those were the two plugins that would have an impact on the checkout.

    I also created a new code to make sure it wasn't the coupon itself.

    Unfortunately, nothing has changed - as soon as you enter a coupon you can no longer complete the purchase process - everything is grayed out.

    Please take another look - it must be possible to use a coupon code in my shop!!

    Thank you Tsvete


  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    1. I've fixed the coupon issue by deactivating the "Mini Ajax Cart for WooCommerce" plugin,

    2. Please don't build all the additional WooCommerce pages with the page builder, because some functions can't work properly,

    3. Please review all the WooCommerce add-on plugins you've installed. Only install and activate the plugins that are really necessary for your site. Your site has installed many plugins that conflict with each other, resulting in WooCommerce not functioning correctly.


  •  11
    LillaGreen replied


    I see that you did that - I also deleted the cache and everything again.

    Now Booster, Elementor Pro and Mini Cart are deactivated.

    But the problem is still there - as soon as I enter a code (e.g. tsvete0815) I can no longer complete the purchase process because the fields are no longer active.

    The problem persists!!


  •  2,731
    PenciDesign replied


    I've fixed the coupon and payment issue by disabling the WP External Links plugin.

    Please clear all the browser caches and check again.


  •  11
    LillaGreen replied


    That's it ... thank you very very much ;-)

    It works -- i am very happy

    Thanks Tsvete