You can change the featured slider by going to Appearance → Customize → Featured Slider → General → Featured Slider Style and enabling the Boxed at Customize → General → Body Boxed → Enable Body Boxed Layout.
Thanks. I have done as you advised, and the issue is fixed; one more question is how can I change the button style globally. When I add a button in the post, it is black and ugly and does not follow the theme colours.
Secondly, dose soledad theme has a table of contents block.
Dear team,
How can I get the same home layout and header like this
Please import this demo by following the document at this link:
You can change the featured slider by going to Appearance → Customize → Featured Slider → General → Featured Slider Style and enabling the Boxed at Customize → General → Body Boxed → Enable Body Boxed Layout.
Thanks. I have done as you advised, and the issue is fixed; one more question is how can I change the button style globally. When I add a button in the post, it is black and ugly and does not follow the theme colours.
Secondly, dose soledad theme has a table of contents block.
Please go to Appearance → Customize → General → Colors: change the button colors and background in this section.