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  Public Ticket #3551993
get paid article defferences


  • Rboullay started the conversation


    can you tell me what his the differences between

    standard, fee, pack d'article, Soledad post subscribe, soledad post unlock?

    Attached files:  Capture d’écran 2023-12-30 à 14.09.40.png

  •  2,734
    PenciDesign replied


    1. standard, fee, pack d'article: this is a standard package of the Getpack,

    2. Soledad Post Subscribe: This package includes the features that help you sell the post unlock in x time/day/month. Example: unlock all the premium posts in 3 days.

    3. Soledad Post Unlock: you can sell the single post unlock with this product type. Example: unlock 10 posts.
