1. The current version of Soledad doesn't include any options to customize the login form. We'll add more options in a future theme update.
2. Which user menu are you referring to?
3. Please edit the header with the Penci Header Builder, drag and drop the User Login/Register into the area that you want to show then update this ticket. I'll check and then send you a custom CSS code.
1) If we use penic login/registration option not able to manage the user approval manual section. At present users register and are directly able to login so in this makes spam users create on websites.
Hi, I have the following queries Please clear these.
1) Please advise when I can edit the Penic UI Login/Registration Component.
2) When I can change the User Menu?
Thanks & Regards
Ram Kumar
Please add one more query.
3) If we use the penci login/registration component then if not able to add a username/name and user Icon. Please allow us
1. The current version of Soledad doesn't include any options to customize the login form. We'll add more options in a future theme update.
2. Which user menu are you referring to?
3. Please edit the header with the Penci Header Builder, drag and drop the User Login/Register into the area that you want to show then update this ticket. I'll check and then send you a custom CSS code.
Please find below queries.
1) Which user menu are you referring to? -> When Any user login then the left side menu which admin will add and remove any menu.
2) How to change the custom login and register URL using the Penic login/Register component (Including Mobile Penic Login/Registration)
Please add one more query.
1) If we use penic login/registration option not able to manage the user approval manual section. At present users register and are directly able to login so in this makes spam users create on websites.
Thanks & Regards
Ram Kumar
1. The current version of Soledad doesn't support modifying the logged-in menu items. We'll add this option in a future theme update.
2. Unfortunately, the current version of AOLs doesn't include the option to modify it.
3. If you want to prevent spam registrations, please consider enabling the Akismet plugin.