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  Public Ticket #3653694


  •  6
    WA started the conversation

    Dear Support, I have changed host and I moved my site from Hotsinger to Kinsta. New host don't allow LightSpeed cache, I have noticed drop in performance. I wrote to the support they mentioned to use and they asked me to check with theme developer.

    Please see attached images. 

    Kindly advise if this is a good caching plugin and its compatible with the theme.

    If you are familiar with Kinsta hosting platform do you have any recommendations or suggestions as to what needs to be installed to enhance performance of this theme. 

    Thank you so much. 

    Attached files:  2.png

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    You can install the W3 Total Cache plugin instead of the WP-Rocket.


  •  6
    WA replied

    They replied to your recommendation W3 Total Cache the following: 

    "You can use that one on our platform, however, I would not recommend using an additional layer of cache but you can use it for the other functionalities"

    I installed the W3 Total Cache and I see there is instructions how to setup in the documentation. I followed it. This excellent you have covered this in the documentation,.

    Please help do we need any of the pro features: Remove unused CSS/JS, Preload Requests, Delay Scripts. 

    The host provided an article for any of the theme users here, may want to read.

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    For this case, please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply.
    I'll log in and try to help you configure this plugin.


  •   WA replied privately
  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Please also send me the site URL.


  •   WA replied privately
  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    I can't log in because of the wrong account.


  •   WA replied privately
  •   WA replied privately
  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    I've configured the W3 Total Cache plugin for your site.

    Regarding the Core Web Vitals assessment results, please wait for Google to re-index your site, and the results will be updated soon.


  •  6
    WA replied

    You are an angel....thank you and god bless. 

  •   WA replied privately
  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Here is the latest result of the desktop version:


    Please wait for Google to update the Core Web Vitals score at the top of this page. I have configured your site with the best profile for PageSpeed optimization, so you don't need to purchase the paid version.


  •   WA replied privately
  •   WA replied privately
  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me some URLs on this report.

    Regarding the Google Core Web Vitals assessment update, please read the document at this link to understand how it works:


  •  6
  •  6
    WA replied

    Please see this image. before I had issues with server (Hostinger) after moving to ( Kinsta) issues stopped. Solved Server issues. Now this issue with Core web Vitals, if solved hopefully i can get approved for Ads. 

    Attached files:  4.png

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Regarding Core Web Vitals, you should wait for Google to re-index your site's content as I mentioned in the previous reply. Then, check it again after 3-5 days.

    I've already configured your site with the best PageSpeed optimization settings.


  •  6
    WA replied

    Please see attached image. After installing google ads the performance dropped. How to load third party code until after the page has fully  loaded.

    I see 129 pages affected with low score of 74% some lower score for performance. 

    Kindly advise 

    Attached files:  Screenshot_20240601_145040_Chrome.jpg

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → Optimize JavaScripts → turn on the "Delay Google Ads".

    Clear all the site caches and then check again.


  •  6
    WA replied

    Its already turned on Delay Google Ads.

    Shall I remove anything from this list?

    There is Exclude Scripts from Delay Execution:

    window.$us === undefined
    var nfForms
    var rbs_gallery_
    var lepopup_
    var billing_additional_field
    var gtm4wp
    var dataLayer_content

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    To achieve the highest score, please remove the following content:



  •  6
    WA replied

    Kindly recommend a plugin works with the theme for changing images to WebP format. Its mentioned in the literature it could reduce image size by up to 50% and could boost Performance. 

    I see W3 Total Cache offering with the pro plan, WebP convertor among other increased pro features. 

    What to do to increase performance?

    P.s I need to keep google-analytics to monitor what people are reading.  

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try to install the Imagify plugin and follow the document at this link:


  •  6
    WA replied

    Thank you very much you are the best! 

    Hopefully other users can benefit from this thread. 

  •  6
    WA replied

    My site performance is showing these error messages. Refer to attached image. What can I do to improve the performance, I have only the necessary min plugins and all images been downsized. I don't know what else to do. Please advise what can I do. 

    Attached files:  3.png

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    All the JS/CSS issues on your page are related to the Google AdSense banner. This means that if you want to achieve the maximum score on Google PageSpeed, you need to delay all the GA code until the user interacts with your site.


  •  6
    WA replied

    How can I delay the GA code? Is there a way to set the delay. 

  •  6
    WA replied

    please refer to attached image. This is the response I got from AI. Is this a solution that wont break my site? 

    Attached files:  Screenshot_20240620_022626_Google.jpg

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → Optimize JavaScripts → Exclude Scripts from Delay Execution: remove the following content:



  •  6
    WA replied

    Thank you so much. This improved the score a lot. But its still showing Core Web Vitals Assessment FAILED for both Mobile and desktop. 

    Attached files:  Screenshot 2024-06-20 025428.png

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    This is the average score after a month. The real-time score is located in the box below.

    Please wait for Google to update it.


  •   WA replied privately
  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem is that the GA code is still loading without the delay effect, so the single post page score has not improved.

    You should check all the code and then verify it again.



  •   WA replied privately
  •  6
    WA replied

    Or I go for option 3: I subscribe to the premium option of W3 Total Cache I see they have the feature of delaying JS. Its expensive as my site is not making any money cents per day. Its more than $140 Canadian dollar. I have worked very hard for this site five months of day and night work. 

    I don't know what to do which of the three options to choose? I only trust your advice. 

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    1. For this script:

    <script async src=""></script>

    You should add this to your site one time only at the header (Appearance → Customize → Logo & Header → General → Add Custom Code Inside <head> tag),

    2. In the ad space, you can only add the INS tag.

    3. The JS delayed feature in the Soledad theme works similarly to other plugins, but we have improved it specifically for the Soledad theme.


  •  6
    WA replied

    Please elaborate more to clarify item 2. I don't understand what I need to do after adding the code foe item 1.

    Thank you 

  •  6
    WA replied

    you mentioned item 3 the theme comes with the delay feature. But earlier you mentioned the JS delay is not working for single posts. I'm confused now if the theme comes with delayed JS feature than this is a good thing. WHY it's not working for single posts. Please advise what is the solution. As I want to resolve this issue my site is been hit hard due to this. 

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Please re-send me the admin account details. I'll help you configure and edit the GA code for the single post pages.


  •   WA replied privately
  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    I've configured the ad code for the single post, here is the latest result:


    Please clear all the browser caches and check again.


  •   WA replied privately
  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    1. The data displayed is aggregated daily, so the data should change day to day. However the reason you do not see the results of any improvements you make instantly is because the data is taken over a rolling 28 day period.

    After about 7 days you should start to see your score improve, in 28 days the report data will be reflective of changes you made today.

    2. I've configured your site with the best settings for PageSpeed. If you want to improve the INS, please follow these steps:

    - Install server-level cache such as Memcache or APC.
    - Use a CDN for all the asset files.

    3. In my personal opinion, you should focus on the site content at this time.


  •  6
    WA replied

    Thank you for the professional help and support. I will wait for the numbers to average out. 

    My content is very high quality as I'm a civil engineer and I'm writing a bout topics I have expertise.Also, writing about countries I visited and lived there.

     I had more than half my articles reaching number one beating sites with high authority.

    But for the past 4 days all my number one articles have fallen and I have only 20 number ones. My traffic dropped 80%. All my hard work is gone in four days. 

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems that Google Analytics isn't working properly when JavaScript delay is enabled, which might result in not counting some users.

    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimization → Optimize JavaScripts → Exclude Scripts from Delay Execution: add the following content:



  •  6
    WA replied

    I will add the code. Thank you. And im planning to contact hosting support for the caching you recommended. Note I'm with Kinsta hosting.

    I researched and got this response from AI:

    "Kinsta already includes server-level caching in their hosting plans, so likely won't need to install Memcached or APC. Kinsta utilizes a combination of technologies, including Nginx fast_cgi_cache and Redis object caching, to optimize WordPress performance.
    If you are experiencing specific performance issues or have been advised by Kinsta support to explore additional caching options, you could inquire about enabling Redis object caching on your plan. However, it is generally unnecessary for most WordPress sites hosted with Kinsta."

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Are you using Cloudflare with your site?


  •  6
    WA replied

    Kinsta provides with their plan. 

    Edge Caching: Edge Caching stores your page cache in any of Cloudflare's 260+ point-of-presence (PoP) locations worldwide, increasing performance and website speed by up to 40%.

    Server Cache: Cache makes your site load faster by storing site data. Clear it to make sure your site shows the most recent version.

    *** Free CDN with the plan 100 GB /month I have only used 60MB. 

  •  6
    WA replied

    I have attached images to show the recent performance for (individual page) and the traffic drop from the 17th June. There is still a critical issue with the Core Web Vitals to result in such a drop in performance. As an alternative check to GA the hosting analytics is showing 30% drop since the 17th June.  

    What I don't understand is how a highly designed theme and top of the line hosting company and best support in the world, its not possible to pass average scores for the Core Web Vital settings. Surly, google didn't set a high bar for CW Vitals and they provided a benchmark settings which is achievable. 

    Even the image sizes I use are bare minimum I didn't even think it was possible to have such small file size. 

    I cant put more effort, spend money and time using this theme unless the foundation is solid. Same with construction engineering if you don't have a solid foundation there is no point of continuing and putting a building on top. 

    >>>>>> This is the response from the Hosting company: 

    "Redis object caching is available for 100 USD per month, but if I'm seeing poor browser rendering scores even when the entire page is already served from a page cache, to me that means that Redis is really not going to be your solution here. Redis is more intended for speeding up PHP execution, but your scores are similar regardless of whether the page is cached or not an your average PHP response time (this is for requests that are not served from the page cache) is pretty good at about 0.5 seconds."

    "Based on everything I'm seeing here I'm not seeing any issues from our side and it's mainly down to the browser taking too long to render the page, which is a function of the HTML and JavaScript used on the website, which is all code that is executed by the browser, not the server."


    Attached files:  2.png

  •  6
    WA replied

    The issue is with the rendering time of post's excerpt content. How do we reduce this rendering time?

    Kindly advise. 

    Attached files:  Screenshot_20240622_201222_Chrome.jpg

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    If you want to focus on reducing the page loading time, you should turn off all custom fonts and Google Fonts, and use only system fonts.

    This way, when users visit your site, it won't be delayed by loading fonts.


  •  6
    WA replied

    Yes. Please how can I use system font and remove custom fonts.

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → General → Typography: change all the font family to "System Font" in this section.


  •  6
    WA replied

    I changed all fonts to system fonts. I added back tag manger as i read if you remove it then it will effect monetization. 

    Please refer to attached image, Core Web Vitals Assessment is still showing FAILED status for individual posts and for both mobile and desktop. I don't see anything else can be reduced apart from tag manger. 

    Attached files:  4.png

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Now the problem isn't related to the fonts; it is related to the blocking time of the Google JS code.

    Do you think this issue is rational, given that all the scripts are by Google and it also fails verification by Google?



  •  6
    WA replied

    I agree. I will leave it at that. Thank you for the help and your patients. A true professional support team and a top level theme. 

    Also, the recent June 20th Google update is reversing back march 2024 updates, now back to favoring larger inst. Its better to keep this project as a hobby :) I'm not creating anymore content. More than 40 of my number one posts have been superseded by low shallow, few lines content, from sites probably with 1000s of backlinks. I had close to 30 snippets number one articles its all gone with this update while I was fixing Google's speed performance. 

  •  6
    WA replied

    I read to load third party script efficiently one needs: 

    "Load the script using the async or defer attribute to avoid blocking document parsing."

    Please advise how I can use one of these attributes to reduce (Google Tag Manger) blocking time.  Where I can add this code.

  •  2,540
    PenciDesign replied


    Google Tag Manger adds scripts through user-defined logic in tags. You should get access to your GTM account, find tags that load scripts and do exactly the same to them.

    On the other hand, Unless your GTM container contains mountains of logic, defer should not differ from async in any measurable way, but it may harm the data that GTM collects.

    Say, in case the page loads longer, and the user doesn't wanna wait and just quit, you will not know about that bounced user since GTM is deferred. I'm sure there are more edge cases in events timing in case you use datalayer or if GTM relies on other event listeners that could fire before the page is done loading.
