It works, thank you! Also, Is there an easier CSS trick to do this for every category? I've seen the settings where I can change the category name color on the category page itself, but I'd love to be able to change it so the different colored categories display everywhere else on the site. Is there a setting or condensed CSS that would do the parent and child categories so there isn't a billion lines of CSS?
Hi :-) I was trying to find the right css code to change the color of each category menu item. I've attached an image as an example.
Attached files: website help.jpg
Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:
Replace custom-class with the class name you've added like the screenshot below:
It works, thank you! Also, Is there an easier CSS trick to do this for every category? I've seen the settings where I can change the category name color on the category page itself, but I'd love to be able to change it so the different colored categories display everywhere else on the site. Is there a setting or condensed CSS that would do the parent and child categories so there isn't a billion lines of CSS?
Unfortunately, there is no solution to apply this to every category automatically. You need to manually add it to each menu item.
Ahhhh... Thank you so much :-)