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  Public Ticket #3751326


  •  1
    joka started the conversation

    I've found the quick translation option in the customisation menu, but that doesn't translate many parts of the website. For example the published time of the posts "minutes, hours, days, weeks, months". Where can I translate those? My website is now half spanish and half english: "1 month antes" :D

  •  2,727
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me the screenshot or URL that contains this text.

    For all the Penci plugins you've installed, you can check the translation text under Customize → {Plugin name} → Quick Text Translate.


  •  1
    joka replied

    My page is: on the main page or within the articles:
    the date of the post (how much time ago was posted) is not translated.
    I need translation for the words: "minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years" but I can't find them in the 
    Customize → Quick Text Translate.

  •  2,727
    PenciDesign replied


    The text: 'minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years' is managed by the language settings of the WordPress installation and is not included in the Soledad Theme translations.

    Please ensure you've selected the correct language for your site under Dashboard → Settings → General.

