after the automatic updates on Elementor and Elementor pro the site went down. The error log printed: "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method ElementorProPlugin::enqueue_styles()" from a file inside the Soledad theme.
I solved at the moment by rolling back to the previous version, but I would like to know if you encountered this issue and fixed it.
I also noticed the error "Failed to execute 'scrollTo' on 'Window': The provided value is not of type 'ScrollToOptions'." while editing a post or a page with Elementor. This is because you enqueued gsap also in the backend; you should avoid euqueing gsap in wordpress administration panel or add Scrolltoplugin.
after the automatic updates on Elementor and Elementor pro the site went down. The error log printed: "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method ElementorProPlugin::enqueue_styles()" from a file inside the Soledad theme.
I solved at the moment by rolling back to the previous version, but I would like to know if you encountered this issue and fixed it.
I also noticed the error "Failed to execute 'scrollTo' on 'Window': The provided value is not of type 'ScrollToOptions'." while editing a post or a page with Elementor. This is because you enqueued gsap also in the backend; you should avoid euqueing gsap in wordpress administration panel or add Scrolltoplugin.
Please let me know.
For this case, please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply.
I'll log in and try to help you check this problem.
I've re-updated your site.
Please clear all the browser caches and check again.
ok, thanks a lot!
What was the issue? Did you upload another version of the theme? I need to know what changes you make so that I'll be ready for the next updates.
Many thanks
We just addressed this issue on the latest theme files. You can update your site without any risk.