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  Public Ticket #3768494
Hamburger Menu


  • José Zegarra Malatesta started the conversation

    Estimados señores, necesito saber como configurar el Menú Hamburguesa y otros detalles (como el color del texto de las Etiquetas de los post), espero me puedan ayudar. Quedo atento...

  •  2,727
    PenciDesign replied


    Please provide the content in English.


  • José Zegarra Malatesta replied

    Dear Sirs at Penci Design, I already have a previous version installed. My question is: if I install version 8.6.1, will the customizations from the previous version be maintained? Is it mandatory to use Elementor for customization? I have created a Child version at the time and you can see the theme in operation at this address

  •  2,727
    PenciDesign replied


    The update only modifies the theme files, so all your customizations and data saved in the database remain safe.

    However, if you have made any changes to the Soledad parent theme files, please back them up before proceeding with the update.



  • José Zegarra Malatesta replied

    Dear Sirs, from PenciDesign, you did not answer my question if it is mandatory to use Elementor to customize my page, I have a hosting limited in database size to 1GB and I cannot install more plugins.

  •  2,727
    PenciDesign replied


    Elementor Page Builder uses post meta to save the content, which means it only uses a small portion of the database, so there is no risk in using it.

    Could you please confirm if you're referring to 1GB of database size or 1GB of hosting space? 1GB of database size is quite large for a MySQL database, and it gives you plenty of room to install and configure anything you need.
